

About me

I am a PhD student at the Inria center of Sophia Antipolis in the STAMP team under the supervision of Yves Bertot and Enrico Tassi.

My interest

I like to challenge myself with any kind of puzzle such as the Rubik’s cube or the game of Chess. In my free time I like to participate to coding battle since, after all, they are puzzles!

I like to listen to music especially music played on piano, such as the great masterpieces of composers like Bach and Beethoven.

A short list of my projects

During my experience as a computer scientist, I have realized different projects. I would like to list some of them:

  • tc - A type-class solver for Coq in Elpi :

    A type class solver written using the coq-elpi framework (the subject of my PhD thesis)

  • Time To Tank :

    A 3D game written in JS using the BabylonJS framework. This game was part of a competition where we won the $2^{nd}$ price TOP du TOP (here the link of the award ceremony)

  • AllIntervalSeries :

    A well-known problem in constraint programming. I provide a solver written in Java using the library Choco-solver. I propose different implementations, trying to increase each time the performance of the model by attempting to break symmetries.

  • Learnng-and-More :

    A project where I implement in typescript different learning algorithms, ranging from the L* algorithm meant to learn regular languages to the TTT-VPA algorithm aiming to learn visible pushdown grammars.

  • Cryptator :

    A project on which I worked during a semester. It is a solver for cryptarithms. For this project we have published the article Jouer avec des Cryptarithmes en Programmation par Contraintes (see here)

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